Invisible Aligners

Invisible Aligners for a New Smile

January 12, 2022

Invisible aligners have been dominating the orthodontic market for the past few years. With improved materials and better scanning technology clear aligners have become a sought-after orthodontic treatment to treat malocclusions. 

While traditional braces have been around for ages and helped treat malocclusion in millions, patients these days prefer the look and feel of clear aligners. So what exactly are clear aligners?

Clear or invisible aligners are dental apparatus made of transparent plastic material to effectively and efficiently correct misaligned or crooked teeth. These aligners are virtually invisible and completely removable, making them a highly coveted treatment method among adults and adolescents.

The invisible aligners are custom-made for each patient depending upon the severity of the malocclusion. Most mild to medium misalignment can be treated easily with invisible aligners. However, severe cases of malocclusion may require multiple procedures including aligners. Generally, clear aligners can treat a variety of cases including crowded teeth (where the teeth overlap each other), overbites (the upper front teeth overlap the lower front teeth), underbites (the lower front teeth overlap the upper front teeth), open bites (the front upper teeth and lower teeth slant outward without touching when the mouth is shut) and diastema (gapped teeth).

So it’s safe to say that invisible aligners are a great choice to get yourself a new smile. To help you make the right decision regarding your orthodontic treatment here is all that you need to know about invisible aligners.

Invisible aligners: How do they work?

Before you start your invisible aligner journey, you will have to make an orthodontist appointment at one of the best dental clinics in your city. While several brands allow you to place an online order for aligners, it is best to approach an expert to assess the degree of your malocclusion and get the right treatment for it.

After your initial assessment, your dentist will take a detailed and precise digital scan of your mouth. The aligner trays will be designed based on this data. Once your custom treatment plan is laid out, you will also receive a “smile preview” where you can have a glimpse at your new and improved smile- the desired result of the treatment.

Once you receive your clear aligners trays, you will have to wear them for about 20 to 22 hours every day. The aligners will apply gentle pressure on the teeth, pushing them into the right alignment. You’ll also change the aligner trays every 1 to 3 weeks to incorporate the shifting teeth. Depending upon the degree of correction required, the clear aligner treatment may take anywhere between 6 to 18 months on average.

Once your teeth reach a natural alignment, you will have a clear retainer made for your newly straightened teeth that must be worked at night to ensure that the malocclusion does not recur.

Upkeep and things to remember during the treatment

While the clear aligners are undoubtedly comfortable, discreet, and easier than traditional braces, there are a few dos and don'ts you need to follow to maintain the aligner tray’s transparency and the treatment’s efficiency. Here is what you should and shouldn’t do-

New smile, new you

Straight teeth and a beautiful smile are not just for aesthetics. Studies have shown that malocclusions lead to other health issues such as gum diseases, headaches, digestive problems, speech troubles, and aggravate TMJ disorder. In short, straightened teeth are a necessity rather than a luxury for your overall well-being.  

So, if you require teeth correction without going through the trouble of wearing braces, clear aligners are the way to go. Visit Emirates Dental clinic in Dubai today for a comprehensive dental check-up and get started on your invisible aligner treatment.

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invisible aligners, teeth aligner, transparent braces, teeth straighteners, invisible braces dubai, dental clinic in dubai
invisible aligners, transparent braces, clear aligners, invisible braces dubai