Invisible Aligners

See Your Smile In Seconds With Clear Aligners

March 8, 2022

Smiling is a beautiful expression of happiness. A smile can light up your face, making you look smart, pleasant, and approachable. However, sometimes people tend to hide their smiles behind pursed lips simply due to a lack of confidence. But what causes this lack of confidence to smile?

Malocclusion is a very common issue that affects millions of people around the world. Very few people are lucky enough to be born with naturally straight teeth. Although not everyone with crooked teeth hides their smiles, the majority of these people are unhappy with the way their teeth look. 

However, with better access to dental care, especially orthodontic treatments, teeth straightening has become quite simple. From traditional braces to invisible aligner treatment methods, there are numerous ways to correct malocclusion issues such as crowding, gapped teeth, underbite, overbite, open bite, and crossbite. So if crooked teeth are the reason why you stopped smiling wholeheartedly, our dental clinic in Dubai can give you a dental makeover like no other with clear aligners.

Clear aligners: What is it all about?

Clear aligner treatment is one of the most popular treatments for teeth straightening. Today, the majority of our patients in the country are opting for invisible aligner treatment for its ease of use, discrete nature, and pain-free process. But how is that possible? Let's find out-

Invisible aligner brands such as Invisalign use soft, transparent, and hypoallergenic plastic to make custom-fitted dental trays for your teeth, which is very much different from the traditional braces everyone knows about. Unlike the metallic braces, consisting of metallic or ceramic ‘brackets’ that are stuck to each tooth and a metal wire running through them during a corrective treatment, the invisible aligner method relies on a series of these custom-fitted dental trays which fits like a glove on your teeth. Much similar to the effect brought upon by a traditional brace, the custom aligner trays also gently nudge the teeth into position by applying consistent pressure on them- minus the awful pain and soreness associated with tight and irritating metallic parts.

The invisible aligners are also completely removable, unlike the semi-permanently fixed traditional braces. This gives the wearer the freedom to eat or drink whatever they like, provided they clean their mouth and the aligners thoroughly before popping them back in. Keeping the aligner trays clean using water or denture solution will also ensure their transparency throughout the treatment period, which in turn helps hide the fact that you are undergoing teeth straightening a secret even while wearing it.

Ideally, the clear aligners must be worn for a minimum of 20 to 22 hours a day apart from the mealtime for the treatment to be effective. The clear aligner treatment generally lasts anywhere between 6 to 18 months depending upon the degree of malocclusion and how well the patient followed the instructions during their treatment period.

With that said, we understand that there will always be patients who are doubtful of the effectiveness of this treatment. If you are genuinely curious to know how your smile transforms by the end of the treatment, read on to know how you can get a preview of your results.

Glimpse into your future

Seeing your future is now possible with us!

When you come to our dental clinic in Dubai to start your clear aligner treatment, we start by doing a detailed study of your dental. With the help of advanced imaging systems, our experts will then generate 3D images of your teeth to establish your personalized treatment plan.

Once your treatment plan is finalized, we can show you a smile preview. Using a highly sophisticated imaging tool that uses data from our database to predict your potential tooth movements, you will get an idea as to what to expect and experience during the treatment. Our system is also able to predict a rough period of the treatment and the expected result that showcases your brand new smile.

This tool will give you a glimpse of your future smile in 60 seconds and answers most of your questions regarding the treatment. However, remember that your result will ultimately depend on how well you followed our dentist’s recommendations and instructions during the treatment period. Strictly following the rules will keep you on track with the treatment and give you a near-perfect result as showcased in this mock-up. 

So, are you ready to give clear aligners a try? Book your appointment with Emirates Dental today and get started on your teeth straightening treatment at the earliest!

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invisible aligners, teeth aligner, transparent braces, teeth straighteners, invisible braces dubai, dental clinic in dubai
invisible aligners, transparent braces, clear aligners, invisible braces dubai